We travel for hours to witness the most amazing mountain views, swim in the clearest water and just admire the beautiful nature found around the world. Unfortunately, these pristine beaches are turning into plastic-filled shores, and the wildlife in our oceans is slowly disappearing.
Although it can sometimes feel like a battle that we have already lost, we believe that things can still change for the better. We don't need one person, we need thousands of people making small changes because we honestly believe that these small changes will make a big difference.
Here are 8 tips on how you can travel more environmentally friendly just by changing a few small things.
1. Pick up after yourself
When you go somewhere, you only have to leave your footprint. Waste does not belong in nature. It pollutes soil and water, and it can also harm wildlife.
If you want to make an effort, pick up the trash you find on your way. It may seem like a small step in a worldwide problem. But if we all make a small effort, we can make a big difference.
2. Avoid buying water in plastic bottles
Okay, this isn't always the best advice, because we don't want you to get sick on your trip either. In many countries, however, it is perfectly safe to drink water from the tap, and in many destinations hostels and hotels also provide clean drinking water that you can fill in your own reusable bottle.
If you are not sure if the water is safe to drink, you can always ask the hostel administration. They can often inform you about the water quality, and alternative options for where you will be able to find safe drinking water.
It is therefore a very good idea to bring your own reusable water bottle on your travels, as you can fill it up before leaving the hotel.
A trick as easy as this will save you money and help save our earth!
3. Travel green
When we travel green, we refer to taking the greenest form of transport. For example, when you are in a city, walk or possibly rent a bike instead of taking a taxi. Or if this is not possible, you may choose public transport rather than private transport. You not only save money, but you also help reduce your CO2 footprint.
Another way to travel greener is to avoid traveling over large regions in a short time. Instead of traveling across large parts of a country on a 2-week holiday, choose instead to experience a country in more depth. This is also known as slow travel.
4. Avoid plastic bags
Plastic bags all too often end up in the sea. Especially abroad, you get bags delivered to almost everything, and preferably several of them. It can therefore be a really good idea to bring a reusable tote bag or rucksack. It can be difficult to avoid plastic bags completely, but if you always have a bag with you, then you can always say no to the bag and fill it in your own bag. Although giving up a small plastic bag may not seem like much help, it's still a step in the right direction.
KIWEE has many eco-friendly bags and backpacks. On our website you can find, among other things, a reusable tote bag, which is both practical, smart and water-resistant.
You can find our entire selection of KIWEE bags here:
8. Behave as you would at home
And last but certainly not least, when you are in a hotel or hostel, you must behave exactly as you would at home. Turn off the lights and air conditioning when you leave the room. Use your towels more than once and take a short shower instead of a long one. Simple changes like these will help conserve resources like water and energy, which in some destinations around the world are quite limited.
Another tip is to bring your own toiletries. Often the toiletries provided in hotels are in plastic packaging and are simply thrown away after you have used them. By bringing your own toiletries, you avoid throwing away a lot of single-use plastic. It's these small changes that can make a big difference.